Mining & Quarrying
The name A&G Price Ltd is synonymous with the mining industry in New Zealand. The business was established in Thames in 1868 to service the Coromandel Peninsula gold rush. AGP manufactured stamper batteries, pelton wheels, boilers and locomotives, and provided general engineering services to the booming mining sector.
Today that tradition continues, with AGP supplying heavy engineering services to local and international customers such as Vale Nickel, Koniambo Nickel, SLN Nickel (New Caledonia), PT Inco (Sulawesi), and Oceania Gold (NZ).
A&G Price also supplies components to mining equipment manufacturers such as Metso Minerals, Rocklabs and Weir Minerals Australia.
The company manufactures a wide range of cast wear parts. AGP’s metallurgists and foundry engineers developed a new material, ‘Crushalloy’ that offers significantly better wear than standard materials.
Repair, refurbishment and replacement of stone and lime crushers is also available. Full machining, welding, fabrication and fitting services are provided at the Thames workshops.